
Showing posts from December, 2021
  Bonita's suet cake recipe:  It's the Christmas season; time for giving. Let's not forget our backyard birds. Here is a recipe for suet cakes that I take out every year to make a treat for those birds in my backyard: 1 cup crunchy peanut butter 1 cup lard 2 cups quick-cooking oats 2 cups cornmeal 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup sugar 1-1/2 cups black oil sunflower seed or mixed bird seed (whatever you have) Melt peanut butter & lard together. Stir in remaining ingredients, including the bird seed. Pour into square or rectangular pan (mixture should be about 1”- 1-1/2” thick). Cool completely & cut into squares. These freeze well. The birds are crazy over this, and it has attracted the Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers and the Northern Flickers.
 Thanks, Karen, for sharing info about the free online lecture series. Exciting that Doug Tallamy is one of the speakers.  Here's a picture from the Mariners Memorial Park Pollinator Garden showing a beautiful Monarch caterpillar. 

Evergreen Garden Club of Deer Isle, Maine

 Welcome to the Evergreen Garden Club of Deer Isle, Maine's blog. This is a place we can share our love of native flora and fauna. To start off with, here's a link to a project that we may want to emulate at Mariners Memorial Park:  Square Meter Photography Project | The Prairie Ecologist .